- Provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities at all locations.
- Comply with all current statutory Requirements regarding HSE issues.
- Ensure our HSE policy complies with that of its Client’s.
- To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety.
- Hold all levels of management responsible for the promotion & maintenance of company HSE procedures.
- Design, implement and monitor measurable HSE targets, such as Lost Time Injuries (LTI’s).
- On the basis of HSE target result, recommend and implement procedures to better achieve set targets.
- Internally audit and review HSE performances to ensure compliance with current Statutory Regulations.
- Implement ongoing Training Programs internally & externally to ensure all employees are fully conversant with the latest HSE requirements.
- Openly report HSE performance both internally and externally.
- Ensure that equipment is environmentally friendly, efficient and energy conserving.
- Ensure that we practice the adage – reduce, re-use and recycle.
- To conserve the use of paper by utilizing electronic transactions where possible.